Living In The Tone
Your Soul
Since 2000
Mei 2016
Het was niet acute rugpijn, die me in de deskundige handen van Zoë dreef. Maar de wens om te kijken of ik mijn wat stijve rug
nog in beweging kon krijgen, met hulp van haar lessen.
Ik ben blij met haar aanpak en merk een wezenlijk verschil. Haar methode richt zich in eerste instantie vooral op de ruggengraat. Met rustige, intensieve oefeningen werk je aan het soepel maken van je ruggengraat.
Zoë is zeer deskundig, en een hele goeie leeraar. Ze begeleidt iedereen op een andere, persoonlijke manier.
En ze is heel aardig. Ook belangrijk.
Jacqueline Blom, actrice
August 23 2013
Zoë literally gave me a new breath. The work she does and the knowledge she dispenses allowed me to find a whole new dimension in my body, a discovery that has many positive consequences on my every day activity, classical singing, but also on my mind, and my relation to the world.
The yoga training can seem difficult in the beginning, but Zoë finds the right words for taking the practice towards your own self-discovery, teaching you to know and respect your own boundaries , building up your own challenges. She leads you there in the most sincere and intelligent way possible. In the lessons, she always shows and explains very clearly what each exercise is aiming at. Watching her was already a great inspiration.
She made it clear for me that the alignment of the spine was the starting point to a whole new body, a larger breath, a better way of being in the world, physically, but also mentally. Thanks to Zoë's teaching I really found the path of a more peaceful and patient way of dealing with every day's tasks and challenges.
Her knowledge of the human body and mind makes her an excellent yoga teacher, and beyond that, a very authentic and grounded individual.
Heloise Bernard, Classical Singer
23 August 2009
I have been attending yoga classes with Zoë Issa Mehryan on the Island of Vis (Croatia) daily, for the last 3 weeks (July—August 2009). In these classes Zoë paid close attention to alignment, and in particularly the alignment of my spine. Although I have been practicing yoga for more than 30 years with world known teachers, in my experience and my opinion Zoë’s level of accuracy and depth of insight and knowledge, easily places her among the top ten yoga instructors in the world. The classes with Zoë have given me an insight into rigidities that have troubled me in my upper and lower back and she has offered me practices that I can continue to work with. I am left with a sense of how I can be more free and flexible in yoga poses that have troubled me. Zoë has a way of working that is expansive, encouraging, challenging, and subtle and I recommend her highly to anyone interested in freeing their bodies up to natural and youthful movement.
Paul Ulhas Macneill MA LLB PhD
Professor of Ethics and Law in Medicine, Centre for Biomedical Ethics, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore
1 October 2009
My first contact with Zoe has been in 2008 on the Island of Vis. My condition was depressing: acute back pain and movement restrictions. I have been very frustrated because I trained several times per week to strengthen my muscles and had tried all kind of therapies for more than 10 years. After 10 days of training with Zoe I did not only move better, I gained inner strength a positive outlook and I learned to train in a cat-manner to keep on going. Now I organize week-end workshops with Zoe in Vienna to share this experience with my friends.
Yella Hassel
Fashion designer
September 2009
The last few years I have been following Zoé's yoga classes which have been a great enrichment to me physically as well as mentally and emotionally.
Zoé's knowledge and competence as yoga teacher are rare. And being a dance and yoga teacher myself I have experienced many teachers before her.
What points her out to me is her ability to see each individual with it's major or minor physical struggles and knowing how to approach these challenges in a subtle and soft way that in time will change the structure of the spine to a more functional alignment.
Karin Flueckiger
Yoga and Dance Teacher
September 2012
Its been almost 1,5 years now that I know Zoe and my body and mind have drastically changed since then. I suffered from severe tensions, tiredness, burnouts and depressions my whole life and no doctor or therapy were able to help me, she was the only one who could give me hope, and I got much more from her than I could ever imagine.
It is amazing how healthy and free I feel in my mind and body today, which felt like a carapace before. I am much more upright, relaxed and flexible, have a much better endurance and get sick very rarely, which used to happen quite often before. I also gained a lot of self confidence, trust and ability to be happy. In general I feel like coming more and more close to my essence, to the happy and free girl I once was.
I particularly appreciate how Zoe is able to create a loving space in which one feels safe and not under nor over challenged and in which she is able to provide individual attention and support. Her teaching is very commited, clear and well structured, its a whole journey from the beginning till the end of the lesson, carried by her love for what she is doing and by her passion for helping us to become healthier, happier and to fully live from our hearts.
The best Yoga lessons I had with Zoe were those that followed a Pranayama and meditation lesson. I believe that Zoe has something unique in her teaching: she can teach us how to heal from inside, with our own breath and awareness. The journeys she invites us on in the meditations are incredibly beautiful, deeply healing, heart opening and transforming.
Anastasia Avdalova
Classical Fluit Player and singer
September 13 2009
Through various causes I'd developed a back-problem which began to
produce serious pains and started frustrating my work as a
professional musician. The lessons at Yogamar E have helped me to
become more aware of my body, understand how the different parts are
connected and work together and, through exercises, slowly release
the tensions and blockades that my body built up over the years.
It also appears to me that Zoé accompanies her students in a very
personal way and with a unique combination of skills and experience
Maarten Meddens, Pianist and Bandleader @ Monsieur Dubois
11 September 2009
Although I've never taken yogaclasses from Zoe she deeply touched me. I participated the Sexual Energy Activation she held and during this period of getting together only 5 times she showed me so much inner strength and neverending energy that I could find within myself I got completely overwhelmed.
Since this activation I'm much more in contact with myself, with other people, with my angels and with the universe.
Martina Hövecke