Living In The Tone
Your Soul
Since 2000
ZAMARUR has the mission to support, empower and bring people together, who are willing and dedicated to walk the talk in their life.
Being spiritual within our culture and society brings a whole range of other challenges, than leading a spiritual life in a monastery up in the mountains.
Yoga and spirituality is a hot item and often used as entertainment or runaway from reality. ZAMARUR most strongly aspires to help people, who feel a strong desire to live and embody true spirituality. Who want to live and align with their deepest values, which bring joy and are uplifting for the heart.
To do so there's different life areas, which might need to be looked at and taken care of; the body, emotions and relationships, work, community and higher calling and off course play and fun.
To bring the true you in and forward, to make your eyes glow and your appearance shine, will require some alignment in all of your life areas with your soul:
You might need a certain yoga practice to prepare your body for stronger frequencies of joy, maybe a different diet will suite you more. Or maybe some energy work will be the piece, which lets you ride the waves of life more gracefully.
About Me
It is when we find our place and belonging to the whole, that this greater force can support us and work through us. And to find the spark of divine perfection in the tiniest particle is what fascinates me and is worth looking for.
My life's journey has taken me from being a proffessional dancer into martial arts, shiatsu, yoga & backproblem therapy, UZAZU Chagnge Facilitation and various other spiritual practices. I had the luck and honour to study from some extraordinary teachers and from the most important teacher within myself and life.
It has been a great pleasure to work with many people from all walks of life and for the last 14 years, mainly with proffessional performing artists. I love to liberate people and show them their independence, humbleness, power and miracle that they are.
Zoe Mehryan